Harvesting Humidity: Frozone Might Say That's Cool

What does this video have to do with anything you wonder? 

A designer based in Austria, Kristof Retezár, has invented a device to extract humidity from the air that, in turn, creates water that is drinkable. The Fontus is a device that can attach to your bike, typically where you would normally put a water bottle, and it will generate water while you are riding. This device can be hugely helpful to cyclists that do long distance rides that there are very few places to stop for more water. Not only that, can you imagine the implications of such a device in arid communities? 

The device is solar-powered and has a condensator that functions like a cooler and is connected to hydrophobic surfaces that repel water. Simply put, the device works similar to what happens to a can of soda when you take it out of the fridge into a warmer climate. It takes in air, the surfaces get cold, and you get condensation which is collected. 

It can produce about .5 liters of water an hour if conditions are optimal. The other downside to the device is that there is not currently a filter for harmful contaminants that could be hiding in the air, so if the area is heavily polluted, you could be drinking smog. 

Retezár hopes that further development of the Fontus will help to fight the water crisis. The Austrian government has stepped in to help fund the technical development phase and he plans to use crowdfunding in March to mass produce it. He is hoping to have this device on the market in nine to ten months. 



A Fundamental Physics Problem Is Unsolvable

Researchers have determined that a fundamental physics problem is unsolvable. The question is about the spectral gap, or rather the energy required for an electron to transition from a ow-energy state to an excited state. According to the study, no matter how perfectly we can describe a material on the microscopic level, we will never be able to predict its macroscopic behavior.  

For more on this, read this article:


Robot Overlords

A team of researchers built computer algorithms to mimic infant research studies and then tested them on robots to see if they could learn in a similar fashion. 

Similar to the way children learn, they taught robots to move their heads by mimicking a human moving its head. These are very basic operations but the long term research could have a major impact on AI technology. 

Full articles available




Telltale Signs of Liars

4 Telltale Signs You're Lying

Do you know how to spot a liar? Learn the signs in this excerpt from Pamela Meyer's TED Talk. http://t.ted.com/h7JWpj9(Created in collaboration with AJ+.)

Posted by TED on Friday, December 4, 2015

You Too Can Be A Cyborg

Chaotic Moon has developed temporary electronic tattoos that gather your bio data by placing a number of bio sensors on your skin. A circuit board containing sensors is basically laying on top of your skin gathering bio data and transmitting it to an app. The Tech Tats are only temporary though. The chip gathers data like body temperature, heart rate, stress levels, and blood pressure very much like the Fit Bit watches on the market today. 

LiFi Transmits Through Lighting

LiFi is being tested now and stands to be at least 100 times faster than WiFi. The way it works is it uses LED lighting to transmit. Don't worry, you won't be having seizures due to flashing lights. It transmits in micro bursts that cannot be detected by our eyes. 

Harold Haas from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland demonstrated that he can transmit far more data this way. The technology uses Visible Light Communication and works like a very advanced Morse code. Basically, you could download 1.5 GB of data every second. 

Full article available


Water Faucet Saves Water While Creating Spirals

This faucet not only creates beautiful spirals but it also saves water. Simin Qiu, a student at London's Royal College of Art, discovered that water slows down while in a spiral and has created a faucet that saves about 15% water consumption. 

Full article available
